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What Our Graduates Say About Our Facilitator Program

Written Testimonials
What Our Graduates Say About Our Program
*Some names have been changed to protect client privacy
“[I continue to reflect on] the valuable information was packed into that one year. Just this past week I have had conversations about informed consent, plant dieta, ceremonial plant medicine rituals, [the psilocybin practicum], indigenous practices, cultural appropriation, importance of music during journeys and different dosages of medicine. All inspired and informed by the SoundMind course. Thank you once more for your dedicated work, your fantastic team of teachers, assistants, facilitators and guest speakers."
- Karel Polt, Artist
Yay! I have received my certificate of completion!
"I just received my graduation certificate, and I am smiling right now thinking back to the week in the [psilocybin practicum] with all of [the] wonderful people and the connections we made there. Every other day I am reminded of some aspect of the SoundMind course, whether it's a discussion about consent or optimal doses of medicine or cults or marginalized populations. The breath and variety of topics this course covered was immense! I'm grateful for all of it, for the amazing lecturers, TAs, guest speakers and other teachers.... I'm putting many of the learned skills and knowledge into practice... Thank you!"
- Yakub Grant, Psilocybin Retreat Participant
"I owe a lot of my okayness to the course. I know that when I signed up I expressed the hope that SoundMind would be helpful in my personal healing, and it has already exceeded my expectations. Recent breakthroughs, both in my work with Ketamine and in my therapy, have been heavily influenced by this work and especially by the way I’m being encouraged to think like a therapist; I had read a lot of theory but not much practice before enrolling. It’s so enlightening to start to understand not just how therapy works but how therapists are and how they think."
- Mark M.
“I found SoundMind on the luckiest of whims because my cousin moved in around the corner. I had no idea what to expect when I signed up, and I have been truly blown away. It's an honor to be a part of this community. I truly believe you/we are doing right by the medicine, by ourselves, and by our communities. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
- Paul C.
“Truly, thank you from the bottom of my heart for ALL you have done and provided to me over this past year. I am not the same person I was a year ago, and I will forever be grateful to have been a part of this. As an experiential learner, the retreat really was where this class is at. I learned and grew in that week far more than what I have done in years of counseling, self- work, and other educational classes. Thank you!”
- Dianne L.
“Thank you so much for bringing a program like this to life. What started as a possible career change has turned in to a personal awakening and call to action. I see the years and decades of effort, learning, and reflection the SoundMind team brings with them in all the spaces they occupy. As teachers, you have studied out the best lessons and have refined them. As healers, you have trusted in the medicines you serve and their power to change lives. As friends, I am pleased as punch to get to know all of you and learn from your words and deeds.”
- Archie
“This was one of the most important experiences of my life”
- Jake M.
“This entire year has been a life-altering experience.”
- Sam M.
“I feel very satisfied with the training I received! It was rigorous, thorough, broad - including psychology, medicine, and spirituality. I feel well prepared to support people in their journey work.”“
- Catherine A.
"I am so grateful to have been a part of this program. I have learned so much and can't believe how much I have changed personally since the beginning of this course. A significant amount of the meaningful personal self-growth that I have experienced has come from this course; the education, amazing dedicated educators and other wonderful people that I have gotten to know. While my journey was challenging both physically and emotionally I feel that it was ultimately overwhelmingly positive. I do think that it might be useful to ask participants if they perceive any unexpected or lasting negative response to the psilocybin session, whether physical or emotional, and what they've learned from it."
Peter Canning, MD
SoundMind Retreats Written Testimonials
Hear how our retreats changed lives
Karel Polt
“The Jamaica retreat was an amazing awakening for me. It really solidified everything that I learned in class and it open my eyes to so many others that are out there that want the same type of peace. I was exposed to so many different types of people with different backgrounds and different cultures yet we all deal with the same problems so it gave me a sense of community.”
Karel Polt