SoundMind has been pioneering Informed Consent Protocols since 2019, and we have data-driven protocols based on collecting information from our past students and patients

SoundMind Informed Consent Certification

SoundMind Informed Consent Principles:

Only specific hand positions (specifically above the chest and below the knees of the patient) are allowed - e.g. head, shoulders, hands, feet

  1. All clinician offerings around touch must be discussed and practiced before the treatment session begins. And every position must include patient practicing saying no or removing their hand/foot/etc from the touch.

  2. A yes can become a no, but a no cannot become a yes after the informed consent process has been completed and treatment session begun- this is why extremely detailed discussions need to be had with every patient before the treatment begins

  3. All potential offerings must be discussed before the treatment session and written down - from weighted blankets, to music options, to lighting and what aspects of trauma one is comfortable discussing

  4. Through our detailed informed consent protocols, we maximize the possibilities of maintaining patient safety, reducing the chance of any clinician boundary violations, and maximizing patient autonomy within specific parameters decided before the session begins. Our written protocols protect the patient and clinician and require nuanced and detailed conversations.

Through our 10-week program you will learn to use our written protocols and documents to reduce any miscommunications and maximize safety for your clients. We also show actual footage of patents and different ways we can reduce adverse psychedelic experiences - i.e. ‘bad trips’ - through use of these protocols.


Psychodynamic Techniques for Psychedelic Facilitators


Healing Narcissistic Abuse and Cult Trauma Through Psychedelics