An Update on Expanded Access in The Philly Voice

From The Philly Voice

SoundMind Center was mentioned in the Philly Voice:

The SoundMind Center, founded by Dr. Hannah McLane, has assembled a diverse, six-person team dedicated to reaching marginalized populations that have higher rates of PTSD compared to the general population. Those groups include people of color, the LGBT community and cognitively-diverse people, like those with autism or dyslexia.

McLane, a physician and a psychotherapist, conducts research at the Philadelphia VA Medical Center that examines cognitive diversity, PTSD and alternative therapies for mental health issues. 

She said people of color often face ongoing traumas caused by racial injustices and neighborhood violence – in addition to potentially having a main index trauma.

"This leads to higher rates of PTSD in communities of color and this can also be more difficult to treat due to the ongoing nature of it," McLane said in an email. "We want to make sure to put significant resources towards addressing this inequality, as higher rates of PTSD in the population can cause ripple effects that serve to worsen the already unequal and unjust system."

To reduce patient costs, McLane intends to operate with sliding scale fees and supplement revenue through fundraising and grant-writing.

"Having PTSD can often make it difficult for someone to hold a job, which causes lack of financial security, loss of health insurance and difficulty accessing care," McLane said. "These are all challenges we are working to address...."


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